Training Programmes and Timetables
Training is divided into two broad categories as described below, as derived from our Shorinji Kempo heritage. These can then also be broken down into a number of functional lines based on technique types and skills development lines
Go Ho Training
Ju Ho Training
Unarmed Training
Unarmed striking te​chniques known as Atemi Waza, and skills training using hands, feet, and just about all other body parts when and where applicable. As always, safety comes first so protective ware and controlled formats are used to maximize potential benefit and safety. Individual control through skill and discipline is paramount at all times.
Fists, Knuckles (Iron bone), open hand, elbows, forearms, wrists, shoulders, hips, knees, shins, and feet. Anything that can be used to strike, shunt, bounce or knock about the opponent. They constitute the Yang part of our armoury. The selection depends on the best use for the target and the situation at hand. For example, depending on your grade level, training includes:
Technical/Tools Training (Atemi Waza)
Kyusho (Vital Points)
Kick-boxercise (Pad and bag training)
Speed and Skill Drill Training
Functional Fitness & Strength Training
We do not use Kata as we prefer to work with practical applications and scenarios for clarity and efficiency of learning. Instead, selected techniques are used as in Waza SeTs to illustrate essential principles and skills for the basic training. Many of the Atemi techniques and power generation methods are also included in the warm-ups, and as part of our Functional Fitness training programme.
Armed Training
Armed training is primarily with smaller side arms, such as sticks, coshes/batons, knives, Sai (short sword9, Tonfa, and Nunchaku (flexible weapons. Particular emphasis is placed on convenience weapons which are more prevalent and utilitarian in modern civilian situations. Even weapons such as Tonfa and nunchaku were basically convenience weapons derived from farm tools. In all cases, the skills and applications are built on the foundations of our comprehensive unarmed system. Hence they are a logical extension of it, making it much easier and quicker to learn without need for a completely separate system or syllabus.
Later on, we also learn and practice the principles and essentials of larger battlefield weapons.
Unarmed Training
Ju Ho training is described as the soft, Yin aspect of the techniques and skills, though in practice, they are more subtle. they can be far more powerful and devastating in their own way. They also allow us to control the opponent and the situation, often facilitating Atemi Waza that would otherwise be difficult to execute with precision and effectiveness. However, they do require a great deal more skill and time to learn.
Ju Ho Waza are the foundation of our system because the tactile feedback received during learning and training is more effective in learning power-lines and how to control our own bodies as well as the opponent's. This greatly helps the process of developing effective and efficient striking techniques, which are often the entry and exit points of a cycle of Ju Ho techniques and skills applied in combat. At more advanced practice levels, Atemi Waza are also integrated directly within the Ju Ho Waza as part of the skills and techniques. The fact is, however, that most modern conflicts involve pushing, shoving, and then wrestling-style attacks, largely because it is a natural physical reaction, especially for the untrained, and a logical escalation path of any conflict. Build your castle first before going out on patrols and skirmishes.
Ju Ho training includes a multitude of different training formats and skills, for example:
Grappling Techniques
Ground Waza: Hold Downs​ & Submission Holds, Joint Locking and breaking, Releases & Escapes
Standing Waza: Grab Defenses, Joint Locking and breaking, Takedowns & Throws
Randoori (Wrestling sparring)
Blocking & Control Techniques and skills
Chi Sao: Sticky Hands, Pushing Hands, Trapping Hands etc..
Chi Kung Rooting & Grounding
Unarmed Defense against armed attackers​
Armed Grappling & Control Waza
Training focuses much on developing natural movement and flow to promote appropriate reactions rather than just mindless reflexes. Ju Ho and Go Ho are two wheels of the same cart, for which Balance is the key to everything.
Training does not stop there, however. Training formats such as Scenario Seminars, stress-based (pressure) training, Parkour & mobility training, Situation control and coping skills, NLP and Chi Kung & meditation training, and studies in security and risk management such as the AARM courses, all provide cross-modular side arts and learning activities at various levels and stages of your training career. In the meantime, remember the extra training excursions, on-line learning, and social events.
By all means, watch some of the videos and photo galleries we have provided to get a general impression of our activities. However...
Only through experience can you truly understand so, come with us and experience it for yourself.