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  • Facebook
  • Lii-Kan Club Facebook Group
  • Lii-Kan Public Facebook Group
  • SeTs Instagram


Welcome to  the wider Lii-Kan community with aspiring and like-minded training activists and discussion groups.


As the sayings go: “What goes around comes around” and “you only get what you give,” so please, contribute to us and your SeTs community everything you can. Start by becoming a site member, join in the discussion forums, and then download the SPACES mobile app so that you still chat whilst on the move.


In addition to our website forums, we have chat groups on Facebook, and on where you could organize your own local practice or study group as part of one of our hybrid (on-line/On-site) training and coaching schemes.


Join us!!

Site Membership

We have built and recently launched this new website @ to help facilitate and support our members in their learning and training efforts. It is our hope this will help at least extend the borders of your training &  learning potential if not remove them altogether. At the end of the day, however, 'the buck stops with you!' 


The site already has several free and premium benefits for you and your kids, and more features will be introduced during the new year.  E.g..

  • Free

    • Open Discussion Forums

    • Private Study Groups for discussion, training/performance reviews, and learning materials.

    • Blogs and Vlogs for news, events, and topical issues

    • Mobile Applications for keeping in touch whilst on the move.

  • Premium

    • Coaching Sites (Personal Trainer Application) for clients of SeTs ry, and special memberships for Lii-Kan Jitsu club members

    • On-Line Learning and Teaching site (available/coming in the new year)


In these, parents/children can discuss the hobby and share photos and videos if they wish, without having to worry about most of the broader social issues and concerns caused by social media such as Facebook and Twitter, etc. There are however different degrees of protection between the types of discussion forums and coaching systems.


Site Membership requires you to first log in with the [sign up/log in] link in the upper right corner of the screen. After that, we can approve it and add you to a study group if and when appropriate. Site membership will allow you to access Open Discussion Forums and, see what categories/types of study groups we have, but not the posts. Other features such as services & event booking, activity/event calendars, and video conferencing with us are or will become available to site members during the new year


Open Discussion Forums are intended to allow existing members and clients to interact with members of the public, in order to get a broader outlook and perspective on topics of discussion, yet still have some protective capability due to the site membership requirement. Site membership must be approved. by us first, and can also be revoked if there is any sign of abuse.


Private study groups are intended to be an extra learning and tuition facility in support of existing clients and members of clubs, study groups, and courses. This is a free extra benefit for those willing to make the effort to join and contribute to the social learning effort through chat and discussion with your peers/fellow students. We are also available on-line as much as possible, to chat, supervise the forums, provide tips and advice to help your learning and training efforts, and especially for issues of safety when practicing.


To join a study group, you must be a site member and be invited/approved for the specific study group by us. In the case of the Festivals group (films, dance, seminars etc.), you must have registered for, or have already attended one of the events. These study group forums are (should be) hidden from the public. i.e. only visible to site members. 


Mobile Application

In addition to the site, we have a Mobile Phone app for members that makes it easy to chat on the go, get extra instruction, news and keep in touch with us, and make new friends on our site. The app is called SPACES (by Wix) and is available through iApple and Google Play.


Members can download the Spaces by Wix app right to their phone using these links:


The invitation code will be provided by an invitation message once you have become a site member.


Photos, Videos & Sharing

Although we make short promotional videos on Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram, educational and teaching videos for members are only provided on our own websites and study groups. 


  • Open discussion forums are open to the public who are members of the site. 

  • Study groups are only for members/clients of our training groups. Here you can also share your own pictures and videos with a bit more assurance about privacy and safety.


Instruction and exercise videos are made with professional preformers whenever possible. However, tuition videos may also feature some of our students. Membership of our study groups requires and implies granting of permission to SeTs to make both promotional and training videos from actual training sessions. However, we do endeavor to inform and gain prior consent for specific promotional videos in which children have participated.


To protect our children, we never identify children, their school, or their location in videotext, and we do not use subtitles unless we believe it to be reasonably safe or essential to do so. The language of instruction for local classes is usually Finnish and perhaps a little English, which means that non-Finns (99.9% of the world's population) do not understand much of what is being said.


The videos are currently stored and hidden/protected on external host sites, so the links are only available to authorised members on our website. However, although we have defined rules and codes of conduct, we cannot guarantee that some members will not share links with friends or other "trusted" individuals outside of group membership. This level of protection is the responsibility of the members themselves. Let us know discretely if you think someone is breaking the rules carelessly.


See you online.



Lii-Kan Jitsu


Lii-Kan Jitsu Club ry is ...

A modern martial arts and self-defense school for modern-day society




Do you have any questions?

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