Shorinjitsu is...
"Jiu Jitsu with a Taste of Kung Fu and the Touch of Kyusho"
Liikan Jitsu is a personal security, conflict and risk management system, primarily derived from Japanese Jiu Jitsu and augmented by Chinese Kung Fu, hence the description 'KungFu-JiuJitsu'. The core martial system is known by us as Shorinjitsu by amalgamating the longer original name of 'Shorinji Kempo Jiu Jitsu'. In modern times Shorinjitsu has been further augmented and influenced by arts such as Kyusho Jitsu, Kali/Escrima and Katori, hence the need to differentiate it fropmk its forebares. The addition of various other modern knowledge systems and disciplines from pedagogy and psychology to security and risk management are further combined to create the broader Lii-Kan Jitsu personal security system.
Not a sport or just another hobby but, 'Life Skills For Life'
Jiu JItsu (Ju Jutsu)
There are two main branches of Jiu Jitsu that originated in Japan,. There are the Aiki Jitsu styles of the Bushi (nobles) from which Aikido is derived, and the more down-to-earth styles from which, Judo is derived. Both Aikido and Judo were developments made in the 1930's to adapt to the changing social circusmstances in an effort to preserve the essentials whithout spreading the more brutal practical applications that were no longer socially acceptable, especially after the 2nd world war when under the supervision of the American military still. A third style was known as Yawara, which focused on ground fighting techniques, from which BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) was derived. Karate also went through a similar change at about the same time, substituting a closed fist for the various open hand techniques derived from the Bubishi. Karate subsequently became known as the way of the fist, but forgot that the lessons in the kata were as much about the clenching of the fist as the striking with it. In all cases, this has lead to much confusion as westeners have tried to recover or reconstruct the original techniques and systems.​​
The Way of Ju (JuDo)
Judo created by Jigoro Kano 'shaped' many practical techniques into throws to make them safer to practice, particularly when training under pressure. The system focused on Kata at first, and then employed randoori for the black belts to give them some practical reaction training in a safer format. The school he founded to do this is called the Kodokan (Kodo being his nickname), and still exists today. Unfortunately, western societies focused mostly on the randoori (wrestling) aspects for their own sport purposes and proceded to bastardise many of the original techniques in the process. Today, Judo's main rival, the Yawara based system now known as Brazilian Ju Justsu has grown in popularity to such an extent that many people believe this is 'Jiu Jitsu' or, at least representative of all Ju Jutsu. This could not be further from the truth.
Whilst we do practice many of the throwing techniques in a similar way for the same reasons, we also translate them back to the more practical versions or meanings at the higher levels of our training. This means that we often do not practice them in the same way, and the technique may vary somewhat from what is currently taught in Judo schools.
However, we can still study the Judo syllabus to at least get a general idea and learn the names.
Below are some internet reference websites that may prove useful:
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_judo_techniques
Judo Online Dojo: https://judoinfo.com/techdraw/
Kodokan Judo Infosite: https://judoinfo.com/gokyo/
American Judo Association: http://judo-caja.com/techniques.html
Judo Channel: https://www.judo-ch.jp/english/dictionary/technique