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by design

The concept of Borderless Learning starts with the notion of cross-modular and inter-disciplinary studies, the potential extent of which has been neatly illustrated in the form of a Periodic Table for security and risk management purposes.  However, it does not stop there. It means that learning should not stop when the course ends but, really start to delve deeper and even accelerate from there. This requires a progressive and evolving programme of learning to nurture student self-regulation within a self-perpetuating learning eco-system.


Experience is the food of life, variety is the spice

Whether or not working with a 'flipped' classroom approach as popularised by the Khan Academy, or, 'Learning by Development' (LbD) pedagogical models pioneered in Finland by Laurea (LUAS), all courses are designed in accordance with higher education and vocational teaching methodologies and competence standards. To be truly effective, learning should be an experiential process (Kolb's ELT) of exploration, discovery, and development built into the curriculum and course design in accordance with the subject matter. It should not be just a separate add-on or afterthoughts such as in the form of loosely related work experience placements or other study projects where learning, both good and bad, happens as much by chance.

Some other learning models useful for guiding our course design include Vartiainen's five-phase teaching model for work-related skills; Gagne's nine-step models of eLearning instruction; Bloom's  Taxonomy and/or, the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLOTaxonomy. Other proprietary studies and learning guides are used and provided as required or, considered appropriate in order to enhance the learning process, e.g. through focused reading or objective, analytical, diagnostic, and/or critical thinking


Bridging the Gap between Knowledge Silos

The foundation of vocational education is 'of course' competence-based objectives in order to provide tangible results which can be applied immediately at work. Learning should be led by 'SMART' objectives and facilitated by mutually supporting case studies, research, development, project, and problem-based learning methods as best serve the learning needs. However, in this fast-paced ever-changing world this is rarely enough if we are to improve the way we work and gain a competitive advantage, be it individually in our jobs and careers, or as a business organization. To this end, cross-disciplinary knowledge, experience, skills, and exercises are leveraged to 'bridge the gap' between various knowledge silos. 


Silo Busters

SImilarly to the famous Damn Busters of WW2, we seek to break down the silos, but then mesh them back together in new ways to open up a new world of possibilities for the greater good with no harm done. This provides fresh ideas, insights and approaches to inform longer-term strategic thinking for those with an open mind and the will to think beyond the borders and boundaries of our immediate professional conventions and circumstances. For example, the Japanese term 'Sensei' used in all Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, and Judo dojos (training halls) is used as a title to denote and address the 'Teacher'. However, it also means 'The First Born' of the school or style. In essence, it implies that Teaching is the Leading of Learning by Example, with the teacher as the Pathfinder for those that choose to follow in their footsteps - always a good idea when walking through a minefield ;-)


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